Vinyl siding is one of the simplest types of siding to install, but it still requires expertise and knowledge to do effectively. When vinyl siding is improperly put, it allows water in and serves as a haven for a variety of pests—which does not look good. Here are some pointers to assist you to avoid the most typical vinyl siding installation blunders from siding contractor palatine.
· Consider making the starting strip wider.
There are various beginning strip alternatives available for installing vinyl siding. Most people are tempted to use the thinner starter to get things beginning since it is less expensive—but this is a poor idea. Spend the extra money on a 3-1/2′′ beginning strip. During installation, make sure that at least 1 inch of the beginning strip hangs over the top of the house's foundation, then drop it as low as you can while installing the strip properly. The more the starting strip covers the foundation, the more the siding will protect the house from rain, snow, and everything else Mother Nature throws at it.
· Carefully level it out
Siding that has been properly put must be leveled. It will not only perform better if it is completely smoothed out, but it will also be put on more easily. When you initially start the process, draw a level chalk line around the base of your house to indicate where the first run of siding will go. This is to assist you with your installation. Then, during your project, level things out roughly once every five courses to keep things running smoothly.